Maria si George, va multumesc din suflet pentru incredere si rabdare si sper din suflet ca aceste poze sa va bucure de fiecare data. M-am simtit extraordinar alaturi de voi!
Cu drag,
PS: Jacqueline, my very good friend from Netherlands and one of the best photographers I know (and I know quite a lot), joined me for this wedding to test her new Leica camera and she did more than that. Six of her pictures you'll see down below and I love all of them. I've also learned a lot just watching her taking pictures. Thank you, Jacqueline, you're amazing and I'm glad I can share your pictures on my blog. Maria and George's story on this blog is so much better with your pictures!
Maria & George - Amsterdam, Neatherlands - July 2016 from Marius Barbulescu on Vimeo.