This is my third wedding outside Romania and I think it's fair to stop counting them because hopefully more will come! :)) Yes, I'm having a blast, this year must be the best I've had since I've started doing wedding photography 4 years ago. I feel lucky and blessed and it's really hard for me to hide this fact.
How I got to be Shalini and Scott's photographer it's a long story. I'll just make it short by saying: Thanks you so much, Phanita and Matei. Phanita is Shalini's sister and Matei her husband and one amazing romanian photographer in Los Angeles (check out his work at http://www.mateihorvath.com/). They are also Alina and Andrei's godfathers (they were also invited at this wedding) and that's where I met them for the first time. They recommended me for this wedding, put all their trust in me and for this I can't thank them enough.
I'll try not to write too much, but it's quite hard because it was such a beautiful experience for us (Monica, my wife, shot this wedding with me and did really great as usual - too bad she won't be doing this more often :((). We met them for the first time on their wedding day, but Phanita and Matei gave us the day before the best schedule on paper I've seen and though it looked scarry at first, I said... well, at least everybody else is organized! :)) It's pointless for me to add too many words to the pictures and the slideshow below, I just hope you'll see from them that this was an absolutly amazing wedding. I'll just add the most important thing for me and my wife, the fact that we were welcomed at their wedding as friends by them and their beautiful and warm families. I feel I've earned so much more than experience from this wedding...
After the wedding, we went to Ava's naming ceremony, Phanita and Matei's beautiful little baby girl, as friends (of course I took some pictures there too) and we got to know their familly even better. By the way, indian food is amazing. That's were we also said good-bye for a short period of time. ;)
I could write so much more, but I'll stop now. I guess you just want to see the pictures. It was the hardest wedding I've ever photographed, I must say this, because everything was so diffrent from the weddings I've shot until now. But I can't wait for the next one! Thank you so much, Shalini, Scott, your families and friends, thank you for everything!
See you soon,
PS: I must totally add a big big thank you to Oana and Ionelas, our friends in London, who made our trip in UK the best trip ever. ;) At the end of this post there is a password protected slideshow with more pictures from their wedding. For the password, ask Shalini & Scott and don't forget to turn on the sound of your speakers or headphones. I hope you'll like it!
Slideshow Shalini & Scott - Birmingham, UK - 3rd of June 2012 - HD 720p Slideshow from Marius Barbulescu on Vimeo.