Jun 13, 2016

Marisa & Scott - Bad Gastein, Austria


   It's interesting how I ended 2015 season with a wedding of a family of 4 and started 2016 in the same way. 4 seems to be the magic number this year. And I didn't think I'll come back to Bad Gastein so soon. It was like a deja-vu on my way there, with Alex, my friend from Vienna, driving for a few hours and talking about life and photography, maybe a tad more snow when we got there, but warmer than last year... but the deja-vu stopped when I met Marisa and Scott the evening before their wedding day! :)
   We had a Skype conversation a few weeks before and managed to wake me up from a winter slumber I thought it would last until march. I knew it was going to be a party for their friends and family and a celebration of their love that they hoped their twin kids will remember forever. And their kids were there all the time and what a joy was for me too take pictures of them playing, making faces and trying to ruin the ceremony and speeches! :) It was a fun, emotional and beautiful wedding day for everyone (me included) I'll never forget.
   Thank you, Marisa and Scott, for trusting me with your memories and I really hope these pictures will always get you back on that mid-February magical day in the Alps.

PS: A big thank you for Alex Cristurean (www.cristurean.com) , my friend from Austria, who joined me again for this one as a second shooter! Three of the pictures here are his, he did a great job on this! :)

Marisa & Scott - Bad Gastein, Austria - February 2016 from Marius Barbulescu on Vimeo.